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2015 Tidy Towns Competition
2015 Tidy Towns Competition The National Tidy Towns competition begins on the 1st of June and runs until September. The Swinford Tidy Towns Clean Street League which is sponsored by Tesco will also begin on June 1st. We are asking all households and businesses to help...
Midfield Village Clean Up
Midfield Development Association are organising a Midfield village clean up, in the village & surrounding roads which will take place at 7 pm on Tuesday 26th May (Meeting at Julian’s). They are calling on our local adults to join them to help with the clean up....
Swinford Clean Street League 2015
Tesco Swinford Clean Street League 2015 Swinford clean street league 2015 will once again be taking place this year. It will run again as last year from 1st June to the end of September in conjunction with the National Tidy Towns competition. Swinford Tidy Towns would...