Our planters are blooming this year. It has been the strangest year weather wise. We planted them all up with summer bedding in late April early May, when we though the weather had finally picked up. Unfortunately we got some more frosty nights after planting which damaged some of our plants, and we suspect, stunted the growth of the rest. After a slow start to the summer and an even slower start to some growth, they have finally come into bloom.

Thanks again to the ladies for all the planting. In all there is 17 large planters in various locations around Swinford.

The planters project are one of many projects undertaken by Swinford Tidy Towns in recent years.  Have a look at all our other tidy towns projects here. If you would like to help out in any way, why not give us a shout? Get in contact with us here. We meet at the No Name Club on Chapel St every Wednesday evening at 7 and every Saturday morning at 11AM.

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