Kiltimagh Road Planters

In the winter of 2014 and spring of 2015 be began the Kiltimagh road planters project.

Kiltimagh road planters

Over the winter of 2014 and the spring of 2015 we began making the Kiltimagh road planters. We made five planters to begin with. We made the bases from recycled pallets (courtesy of Moore’s farm supplies). We filled each with some hardcore for drainage, subsoil and topped off then with some fine compost. Each planter when fully filled weighed just over a tonne weight! Thanks to Eamon Byrne, Byrne’s Monumental Sculptor’s for the loan of their forklift for lifting each of them into position.

All the corners of the planters were finished off with an aluminium angle beading both for strength and appearance. They also act as a reflector at night time, making them stand out! Photo to the left was taken before the aluminium edging was fitted.

We planted a shrub in the middle of each of the planters. A different colour in each one. As it was late spring, nearly summer, it was too late at that stage to plant any bulbs. Instead we planted some summer bedding for the first year. We planned to set some bulbs in the Autumn of 2015 so that we’d have some colour in the Spring of the following year and every year.

In the middle of each planter e planted a different variety of Hebe shrub. The idea being that we would have all year round colour in the planter with different flower varieties coming up around it at different times of the year. We hope it works and brings lots of different colour throughout the year.

Kiltimagh road planters
Kiltimagh road planters

Kiltimagh road planters

Bulbs eaten

In the Autumn of 2015 we planted Spring bulbs in the planters. Some of the bulbs planted were dwarf narcissus, Hyacinthoides Non Scripta and Crocus mixed for some early Spring colour. Now we’re not sure if it was the weather or what, but the crows had a good feed on most of the crocuses as they were growing! The buggers pulled them up by the shoots and ate the bulbs, they really took a liking to them as they ate most of them! We’ll have to have a rethink on what we can plant in their place, something the birds wont eat of course.

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