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Upcycle Challenge 2020
Upcycle Challenge 2020 MyWaste and the EPA are challenging you to unearth the imagination within and create something new out of something old…to breathe new life into an old or unwanted item or material. So if you can find something old and renovate it or turn it...
What Planet Are You On? – Applications Open
What Planet Are You On - Applications Open What Planet Are You On? Is Back. Would your household like to take part? Applications now open! What Planet Are You On? presented by Maia Dunphy will return to RTÉ One television later this year. Does your shower run a little...
Easter Egg Hunt Postponed
Easter Egg Hunt Postponed This Year Unfortunately due to the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions, we have had to postpone this years Easter egg hunt. We hold the annual Easter egg hunt in the Brabazon woodlands beside the playground every Easter Sunday. Don't worry however,...