As mentioned in a previous post, the one million trees in one day project had to be postponed due to a lack of funding. From what I can gather from various forums about the project, it has been said that 3 major funders backed out of the project at the very last minute. I Know from our end they left it very late to inform us that the project had to be scaled back, and in order to accommodate all applications, each group would get a small starter pack. I was only informed of this at 1 am Friday morning, just 11 hours before the planting was due to start, 12 noon Friday to Saturday.

The starter pack that we received from one million trees in one day was slightly different from the huge variety of trees that we had applied for. Thanks to Anita and Miriam for all their hard work finding the most suitable locations for the varieties of trees that we did receive.

Some of the Swinford Tidy Towns volunteers that took part in planting the starter pack of trees which we received as part or our application to One Million Trees In One Day.

Some of the Swinford Tidy Towns volunteers that took part in planting the starter pack of trees which we received as part or our application to One Million Trees In One Day.

Thanks to all the volunteers that came out to help Swinford Tidy Towns on Wednesday evening to start the planting. Thanks to the residents of Rathunas, Dun Na Rí and Druids Court that came out and helped on the evening (some of whom are missing from photo).

One million trees in one day have assured us that they will continue with the project and all applications will be honored in full. We will keep everyone updated as news comes in to us, keep an eye on the site here. Due to the timing of planting trees, it will be October/November at the earliest when planting can commence. If you would like to donate €3 to the project, please text “Donate Trees” to 57777.

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