Free Grow Your Own Workshop in Knock

Free GIY Workshop

with Michael Kelly

An interesting FREE Workshop entitled ‘Food Empathy Revolution’ which is funded by the Environment Department of Mayo County Council, is taking place on Thursday March 10th in St. John’s Rest & Care Centre, Knock Shrine from 7pm to 9pm.

Have you ever felt that you’d love to grow your own food but weren’t sure where to start? Do you worry you don’t have green fingers? Would you love to have access to the freshest, seasonal, home-grown food? This Workshop is for you!

Michael Kelly, Founder of GIY will deliver the Workshop which will focus on 10 of the simplest foods that you can grow at home with practical advice.

If you would like to join us for the Workshop please register by ringing 051 584411 or email:

Subjects covered in the Free Workshop include:

free grow your own workshop Knock 2016-poster

free grow your own workshop Knock 2016-poster

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