The Swinford Clean Street League July Results Are Now Published.


The July results for this years Clean Street League are now published. Once again we are delighted that Tesco Swinford are sponsoring this years Clean Street League. Apologies for the delay in publishing them, we have been very busy here at Swinford Tidy Towns between Pride of Place and Síamsa Sráide all happening in the last 10 days.

Judging notes:

“The standard of litter control was very high in almost all streets and estates which meant that what separated the various areas was the level of planting – both in gardens and on the streetscape – and the overall presentation of the buildings and the open areas.

“ The only way to move up the rankings this year is to pay special attention in these areas and keep up the good works on the litter front.”

July results 2014

July Street Results

July results 2014

Estates Scores July

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