2016 Tidy Towns Competition Begins

The judging in the National Tidy Towns competition has begun this week. The adjudicators can arrive in Swinford at any time. We will be doing a clean up of Pound lane and Pound Street this Wednesday evening from 7, all help is most welcome. Thanks to everyone who has helped out to date and to everyone doing their own bit around their own area, it really does make a huge difference. We’d also like to complement everyone on all their flower displays, they are looking great! Don’t forget to keep them well watered in the dry spells.

We have made steady progress in the National Tidy Towns Competition over the years. We have seen a gradual increase in our marks year on year. See all our yearly archive reports here. Swinford Tidy Towns entry form for this years competition was 50 pages in length would you believe! Our yearly marks awarded in the competition are laid out on the chart below;

Results Archive from 1996-2015

Results Archive from 1996 to 2015.

There were major changes to the competition in 2014 as well as the maximum points being increased from 400 to 450. These changes resulted in a drop of marks for a lot of Tidy Towns around the country. This upset a lot of Tidy Towns committees, ourselves included! We only gained 3 points that year despite all the hard work put in by everyone in Swinford that year. However, we said it wouldn’t get us down, and we just continued on!

2016 year planner

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