Wednesday Evenings Begin Again For 2016

tidytownsLogo_large-320x170Would you like to join our team? Now that the clocks have gone forward, Swinford Tidy Towns Wednesday evening clean ups will resume from Wednesday next the 13th of April. If you would like to help out, we will be meeting every Wednesday at 7 pm at the No Name Club on Chapel St. Our Saturday mornings continue as usual at 11 am all year round.

There are many things that the tidy towns do, its not all about rubbish and picking litter! There are many projects that we undertake during the year that require many different skill sets. See some of the recent projects which we’ve completed recently (more projects completed to be added). If you have an interest in gardening, carpentry, biodiversity, wildlife and would have an hour to spare & would like to help out, please do get in touch with us.

The 2016 National Tidy Towns competition was officially launched today in Dublin. The competition judging will begin on the 1st of June. Our committee are in the process of finalising our application form for this years entry which has to be in by the 20th of May.

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