Upcycle Challenge 2020

MyWaste and the EPA are challenging you to unearth the imagination within and create something new out of something old…to breathe new life into an old or unwanted item or material.

So if you can find something old and renovate it or turn it into something completely different but still usable then we want to see it!

When entering please remember that we need to see the journey you’ve taken,  be sure to submit some pictures of the before, during and after the transformation, make sure to let us know why you did what you did and we want to know what was your inspiration.

The competition is open to non-professionals and we have amazing cash prizes up for grabs, yes cash!

The Prizes!

€750 from each waste region [CUR, EMWR, SR]

€750 for the EPA special prize

€750 for Community Group/s

€750 for the Men’s Shed

€750 for Schools

€750 for The Professionals

€750 for The Public Vote

upcycle challenge 2020 closing date

How To Enter

  1. Source something old or unwanted. Check free listings sites like Free Trade Ireland or Mayo Online Jumble Sale.
  2. Make sure to take *before* photos of your upcycle challenge!
  3. Keep a diary or notes and take progress photos.
  4. Make sure to take an *after* photo.
  5. Fill in the Entry Form.

Good Luck!

For more details, please visit https://www.mywaste.ie/upcycle-challenge20/

upcycle challenge 2020 poster_01

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