Swinford Tidy Towns Nominated For Tesco Community Fund

Swinford Tidy Towns were nominated and accepted for the Tesco Community Fund recently at the Swinford store. The Community fund at the Swinford store donates €2000 every 12 weeks to local good causes and community groups. Swinford Tidy Towns committee were delighted to receive €643 on this occasion. We have a lot of hanging baskets, planters and flowerbeds around town which are awash with colour at the moment. Thanks to our local Tús team who maintain and look after them all. This community fund donation will be of huge help to us to maintain the work we do around the town for our community.

Cheque presentation to Swinford Tidy Towns. L-R : Michael Mc Grath (Tesco); Michael Robinson (Tús); Dominika Adamiec (Tús); Kuba Sokolowski (Tús); John Fitzgearld (Tús); Michael Maye (PRO, Swinford Tidy Towns); Darren Mc Donnell (Tús); Gerry O'Connor (Tesco) and Chris Murphy (Tesco Swinford).

L-R : Michael Mc Grath (Tesco); Michael Robinson (Tús); Dominika Adamiec (Tús); Kuba Sokolowski (Tús); John Fitzgearld (Tús); Michael Maye (PRO, Swinford Tidy Towns); Darren Mc Donnell (Tús); Gerry O’Connor (Tesco) and Chris Murphy (Tesco Swinford).

Tesco Swinford community fund presentation to Swinford Tidy Towns.

Tesco Swinford community fund presentation to Swinford Tidy Towns.

The Tesco Community Fund was launched, to support local good causes in the communities around each of the 166 stores throughout Ireland. Every 12 weeks, each Tesco store donates up to €2,000 between three local good causes in its local community. Swinford Tidy Towns committee would like to thank Tesco Swinford and the local community for nominating and supporting us.

If you would like to sponsor or donate a few Euro to Swinford Tidy Towns, please contact any committee member. You can also donate directly at www.swinfordtidytowns/donate , Thank You.

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