Swinford Cruisers Fundraising Donation to Tidy Towns.

Swinford Tidy Towns would like to thank Pat and all the crew at Swinford Cruisers for their generous donation recently. This will be a great help to us this year to continue our work around town. It will soon be time to start planning and planting for the summer. There is quite a lot of planting to be done with all the street baskets, planters and flower beds around Swinford.

Swinford Cruisers cheque presentation to Swinford Tidy Towns

Michelle Spain, Swinford Cruisers presenting a cheque to Tom Lavin, Chairman Swinford Tidy Towns.

Swinford Cruisers Cycling and Walking Group.

Swinford Cruisers was Founded when Swinford Trio and Swinford Pats Charity Challenge joined together. They are an Outdoors and indoors Activities Group. They meet every Saturday morning weather permitting, at 9am in Swinford Hospital car park. For either a walk or a cycle. They travel all over Ireland to various events and invite groups back to Swinford. New members welcome.

Each year Swinford Cruisers organise events to generate funds to give to charities and local causes in Swinford.

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