Swifts Walk & Talk in Swinford Thursday 20th July


common swift, swift project

Common Swift.

There will be a Swifts walk & talk in Swinford on Thursday next. Meet outside the Gateway Hotel at 8.30. The walk & talk is free and is being organised by Swift Conservation Ireland and the talk will be given by Lynda Huxley. The Swifts population had been in decline here in Ireland, but due to the brilliant work being done by Swift conservation Ireland raising awareness of their decline, this is thankfully now being reversed.

Swinford national school Green Schools Swift Project

Swift nest box’s installed at school.

Swifts really are amazing birds! The Swifts arrive here in Swinford around the 4th or 5th of May every year, you can nearly set your watch by them! We first learned of the plight of the Swift population in Ireland when the national schools Green schools began fundraising to install Swift nest box’s at the school. Two box’s with 3 nests in each were erected at the school in June 2014.

This free walk and talk is really recommended to anyone who has an interest in birds or wildlife. You’ll be amazed with all that you’ll learn about our Swifts flying around here in Swinford!

Learn all about the amazing Swifts, download a booklet here.

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