Stop Food Waste Green Campus Talk

stop food waste talk posterIf you are in Castlebar next Monday, there will be a Green Campus Stop Food Waste talk in GMIT. The stop food waste talk will be given by Sharon Cameron, Environmental Awareness Officer with Mayo Co Co. The talk will take place in room B003 in the GMIT Campus Castlebar on Monday 23rd at 1.10 pm.

Topics covered at the talk will include meal planning, better buying, food storage and the “Stop Food Waste” campaign. All attendee’s at the talk will be given some free rice and spaghetti measures too. Make sure to get there early to avail of the free gift!

You can reduce your amount of food waste and you will also be saving money in the process! Of course you will always have some amount of food waste (hopefully a small amount) in the home. Kitchen waste like fruit and vegetable remains, tea bags and coffee grounds, crushed eggshells, flowers, newspaper and light cardboard can be composted. What better way to make use of this waste but to compost! Have a look at our Composting page for more information. We also have a home compost guide to download for free here. 

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