The Pride of Place Awards night 2014 takes place tomorrow night in Ennis Co. Clare.

Swinford Pride of Place 2014 logoRepresentatives from Swinford Pride of Place will be attending the Pride of Place Awards night 2014 in Ennis tomorrow night. Earlier this year Swinford was selected to represent Mayo in the small towns category of this years Pride of Place. Judging took place in Swinford on Heritage Day during this years Síamsa Sráide festival.

The Pride of Place competition is all about showcasing these clubs and organisations, showcasing whats good in our community, “putting our best foot forward”. Swinford has once again done itself proud! The only thing the adjudicators were regretful of was the fact they could not spend more time in Swinford and chat to more people, they only had two and a half hours to judge each enterant in each category.

Pride Of Place Background

Pride of Place is an all-island competition which is directed towards recognising improvements by local communities to create civic pride in their area. The competition focus is on people coming together to shape, change and enjoy all that is good about their area. The competition is hosted by Co-operation Ireland under its Local Authority Programme in conjunction with the all-island Local Authority Steering Forum comprising officials from authorities in both parts of Ireland.

pride of place logo 2014In Pride of Place, community groups have the unique opportunity to showcase specific pride initiatives which will have long-lasting and positive impacts on their society. Activities may include the development of community centres, the tackling of social exclusion issues, the establishment of residents associations or the provision of childcare facilities.

Key Dates 2014

  • 3rd June – Swinford nominated to represent Mayo in Pride of Place 2014.
  • 5th August – Judging took place in Swinford on Heritage day during Síamsa Sráide. 
  • 5th September – Judging Season Concludes.
  • 15th September – Final Judges’ Meeting.
  • 15th November – Awards Ceremony in Treacy’s West County Hotel, Ennis Co Clare.

Follow our Twitter and Facebook pages where we will updates events live as they happen throughout the night.

The Pride Of Place Awards Night 2014 will be unique this year as this will be the first time that the event will be streamed live online. You will be able to watch the Awards ceremony live on Saturday evening by clicking this link;

Click —> View the Pride of Place Awards Night 2014 Live (Live streaming from 7 pm Saturday 15th November 2014)

View the Swinford Pride of Place Video

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