Latest News
Busy Week!
We have just had another very busy and productive week at Swinford Tidy Towns. In the last week we have held various meetings with different departments in Mayo County Council to see how we can work together to improve our town. We are going to be running various...
Meet & Clean Saturday 26th May
Swinford Tidy Towns offers its deepest sympahties to the family and friends of Gary Price who died tragically last weekend. We will meet up at 11am in the square on saturday morning. We aim to clean bridge street/dublin road, and do a general litter pick around the...
Clean Street League starts 24th May
Swinford Clean Street League 2012 Swinford Tidy Towns Initiative 2012 are launching a Clean Street League on the 24th May. The league will be based on a monthly inspection by independant adjudicators who will judge each participating street under the criteria of...