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Tidy Towns Competition Revamped for 2014
The national tidy towns competition has been revamped for 2014. There has been some major changes in this years competition, the most notable is the reduction in the numbers of categories, from 10 down to 8. The other major change is the increase in the total points,...
Christmas Tree Recycling
Now that the Christmas festivities are over and some of your new year resolutions broken, why not make a new resolution and recycle more? There are numerous Christmas tree recycling depots around County Mayo where you can drop off your Christmas for free for...
Tidy Towns A.G.M.
Reminder that Swinford Tidy Towns will be holding our Annual General Meeting next Tuesday evening at 8pm in the Gateway Hotel Swinford. Everyone is invited to attend. Weekly clean ups continue every saturday morning. Meet at the "No Name Club" on Chapel street at 11...