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Bulb Planting Saturday 28th November
Looking for help bulb planting this Saturday 28th Swinford Tidy Towns are looking for help planting bulbs, if you have an hour or two to spare this Saturday 28th November. Swinford Tidy Towns will be helping out Swinford Amenity Park committee and Swinford Scouts...
2015 European Week For Waste Reduction
European Week For Waste Reduction 21st to 29th November The European Week For Waste Reduction (EWWR) is a project supported by the European Commission and normally takes place in November each year. The EPA National Waste Prevention Programme (NWPP) is the national...
Stop Food Waste Talk
Stop Food Waste Green Campus Talk If you are in Castlebar next Monday, there will be a Green Campus Stop Food Waste talk in GMIT. The stop food waste talk will be given by Sharon Cameron, Environmental Awareness Officer with Mayo Co Co. The talk will take place in...