Mural at Chapel street Swinford. Designed and painted by Varina Mc Nicholas with the help and skills of Therese Hennigan.

Mural at Chapel street Swinford. Designed and painted by Varina Mc Nicholas with the help and skills of Therese Hennigan.

Swinford Tidy Towns committee would like to say a huge thank you to Varina Mc Nicholas, for undertaking the project of desiging and painting the new mural at Chapel Street in Swinford.

We would also like to thank Therese Hennigan who gave her time to help Varina. Thanks also to the committee members and volunteers that took part in the project. It took many, many hours to complete the mural project, and a huge amount of work went into the preperation.

There was a lot of research done before hand, to come up with the idea, then design and sketch out the plan. We had to try and find old photos of the railway station, which were all in black and white. We then got colour photos from the mid seventies before the station closed for good.

Mural at Chapel Street.

Mural at Chapel Street.

I think you’ll agree the mural totally transforms the wall as it used to look like! Its great to see passers by stopping to have a look and admire the work that was done. We would like to thank everyone that took part, Designed and painted by Varina Mc Nicholas with the help and skills of Therese Hennigan, Tommy Durkan, Michael Maye, Deirdre Fahey, Kevin Murtagh, Cathal Kelly, Douglas Kelly, Barbara Vose, Terry Maughan, and Rodney Coleman painted in September 2012.

Chapel Street Mural_04.JPG

Wall before mural painting.

All the photos from the project can be viewed over at our photo callery, Chapel Street Mural.

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