New Box Planters in Swinford

New box planters in Swinford

Swinford Tidy Towns volunteers have recently constructed and installed new box planters at various locations around Swinford town. One is located outside the Church with another four along Kiltimagh road opposite the amenity park. There are also another three box planters located along Kilkelly road coming in from the bypass. Swinford Tidy Towns would ask if local residents nearby would adopt a box and look after it for us. It would be a huge help to our volunteers.

The Tidy Towns crew spent many weeks building the box planters beginning in last March. We had planned to have the planters finished and planted, ready to go out at the beginning of May. With the shocking poor weather the digger could not fill the planters as the topsoil was too wet for digging. When the weather did finally allow the topsoil to be filled, the weather turned for the worse again and it was too cold for planting the flowers in them.

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Special word of thanks to Moore’s farm supplies for providing the timber pallets on which the planters are built. Huge thanks also to Colm O’Hara construction and his digger for filling the finished planters with top soil for us. There is over a tonne approximately of topsoil in each box! That saved us a lot of shoveling and backache, thanks Colm. Huge thanks also to PJ & Eamon Byrne Byrne’s Memorials Swinford for the use of their forklift to transport the planters to their locations over a couple of evenings.

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