Another hugely successful National Spring Clean 2015

Swinford tidy towns spring clean 2015

Swinford tidy towns spring clean 2015 volunteers

Swinford Tidy Towns completed another hugely successful National Spring Clean 2015. The National Spring Clean is held annually here in Swinford on Good Friday and yet again we had a huge number of volunteers for the day, 48 in total. Thanks to everyone who came out to help on the day. Thanks to Scoil Muire & Treasa green schools committee, students and teachers. Thanks also to 24th Mayo Swinford Scouts, Cubs and Beavers and their leaders.

48 hardy volunteers gathered at 11am at the No Name Club on Chapel Street, to get kitted out with Hi-Viz vest, Tabbards, litter pickers, gloves and the various recycling and rubbish bags. When everyone was ready we divided into smaller groups, each group with their own Scout Leader and Tidy Towns volunteers and headed off in different directions around Swinford. Thankfully the weather was in our favour, although crisp and cool, at least it stayed sunny and dry!

Swinford Tidy Towns Good Friday Spring CleanEven though Swinford Tidy Towns have a weekly clean up every Saturday morning, we still managed to gather up 41 bags, between glass bottles, plastic bottles, aluminium cans and general rubbish. Other rubbish collected were 5 tyres, a radiator, half a traffic cone, a car bonnet, 3 gas cylinders & 2 oxygen tanks were some of the more unusual objects collected. Fortunately missing this year was the obligatory shopping trolly and mattress, which were collected in previous years! Swinford Tidy Towns spent the following day sorting through everything collected to be recycled.

It is disappointing that some people still insist on dumping domestic rubbish along the side of the road and inside ditch’s along the approach roads. Swinford Tidy Towns appeal again that you dispose of your rubbish correctly, either by recycling everything that can be recycled (for free), or by using one of the many wheelie bin service’s which are available in Swinford.

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