Mayo Climate Action Awareness Workshops

Mayo Climate Action Awareness Workshops is a bespoke workshop programme that will explore a number of themes related to climate change, such as climate change in communities, coastal impacts, biodiversity and water conservation issues, household and community energy, personal consumption, transport and green solutions.  The format of these workshops will allow for educating and creating awareness of climate change issues and for interactive discussion around these issues and associated actions that can be taken individually or as a community. The training material will be a combination of both generic and specifically local information using local case studies directed at communities.

This programme will run over a period of 6 weeks, starting the 4th of February 2020 with 3 workshops running in 5 locations around the county. The first two workshops in each location will be common across all 5 locations, with the final workshop focusing on different themes in each location, but open to participants across the whole county.

For more details on the different workshops, dates and locations and how to register see attached workshop brochure,  email or call 0949064713.

You can also check it out on Facebook on @mayoclimateactionawareness.

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