Last May Swinford Tidy Towns Committee applied to the Dulux Lets Colour Project. Dulux   had a huge amount of applications from all over Ireland. Thankfully Swinford was one of the 194 applications that was accepted. The project we had in mind was the car park wall at Davitt Place. Remember what it looked like? (see photos below)

We had to send in photos and measurements of the proposed project to Dulux. Due to the huge amount of applications, ( 194 in total ) Dulux had a backlog of orders to process. When we eventually received our order we got stuck into the project, which luckily we completed over two weekends. We were very lucky with the weather, which stayed pretty fine over both weekends. We were also very pleased with the amount of people that volunteered both weekends, we could not have completed the project without them. We have to say also a big thank you to our Artists who set out and stenciled the murals, Trease Hennigan, Gemma Feeney and Jennifer Fahey.

I think you’ll agree, the job that both the Artists and Volunteers did is absolutely brilliant. It has really transformed the overall look of the car park. You can view all the photos from the two weekends  here;

We would like to thank all the Volunteers that helped out and gave so much of their time over the two weekends, it really made the project such a success, and also for all the fun and craic that we had, it really made the whole project very enjoyable. (thanks Maxine!) Thanks guy’s, we hope to see you on future projects that we have planned.

Thanks to all our Volunteer’s; Mary Woodlock, Maxine Doherty, Barbara Vose, George Miller, Kevin Fahey, Tom Durcan, Kevin Murtagh, Declan & Colin & Jamie Scanlon, Joe Mellett, Deirdre Fahey, Patti Ferrick, Chris Murphy, Pat Moore, Rodney Colman, Terry Maughan, Douglas Kelly, Fergal Harte, Yvonne & Leah Irwin, Lee Fennell, Aishling Gallagher, Siobhan Brennan, Gemma Feeney, Jennifer Fahey, Nora Kelly, Cathal Kelly, Trease & Padraic Hennigan, Imelda Kelly.

We would also like to thank Derek Kennedy of Kennedy’s Eurospar Swinford for sponsoring the food for the barbecue on the last day of the project. Thanks to local Chef Seamus Lavin and also Katie Kelly, you did a great job cooking, the food was lovely. We would also like to thank Marie Mellett of Melletts Emporium for supplying us with tea and coffee, to Imelda Kelly for the lovely sandwiches, and to Carmel’s Cafe for the tea and scones.

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