The 2012 Swinford Clean Street League Award winners were announced at the Awards ceremoney in the Gateway Hotel last night.

Full Report here;

It was a close battle all year between Main Street and Davitt Place! There was only ever a couple of points between them after each months judging, and on last months results, they were both neck & neck on 229 points each! However Davitt Place pulled ahead on Septembers results with 78 points, to give them an overall total of 307 points out of a possible 400 points, which makes Davitt Place the 2012 Clean Street League Winners. Mr Martin Griffen and Mr Brendan Donnelly accepted the award on behalf of the residents of Davitt Place from Tesco Community Champion Mrs Deirdre Fahey. Mr Donnelly thanked Swinford Tidy Towns for setting up and running the Street League and he also thanked Tesco Swinford for sponsoring the plaque and Street winners nameplate.

Runner up in this years Clean Street League is Main Street, which was awarded 74 points in Septembers judging, giving them a total of 303 points out of a possible 400 points.

Mr Tony Spain Cards & Gifts Main Street accepted the Award on behalf of the residents and business’s of Main Street.

Also as part of the Awards Ceremony there was a Best Dressed Lady Competition. The judge’s had a very difficult job and much deliberation on choosing the winner! Congratulations to Ms Jacqueline Meehan who was announced Best Dressed Lady.

Congratulations also to Ms Mary Woodlock runner up. The judge’s really did have a diffucult job, as they both looked stunning. Congratulations to both of you from Swinford Tidy Towns Committee.

Swinford Tidy Towns would like to thank Tesco Swinford for sponsoring the Clean Street League. We would also like to say a Big Thank You to Deirdre Fahey, who put in a huge effort into orgainising the Awards Night which was such a success. We would also like to thank everyone who came along to the function, it was a great night. Thank you to all the people and business’s that sponsored us through the year and for sponsoring the huge amount of spot prize’s.

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