We have just had another very busy and productive week at Swinford Tidy Towns. In the last week we have held various meetings with different departments in Mayo County Council to see how we can work together to improve our town. We are going to be running various campaigns over the summer with regards Chewing Gum, Cigarette Butts and Dog Litter. We are also targeting the derelict buildings around town. Our 2 clean ups took place on Wednesday evening and Saturday morning and once more were well attended and very productive. These clean ups are very effective and also a good bit of craic.. We also met with the resource officer from Leader and had a great discussion with her with regards future funding. Please share our facebook page to all your friends so we can better our profile, www.facebook.com/swinfordtidytowns Remember if you are interested we meet every Thursday at 8pm in the Gateway for discussions.

By Cathal.

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