Swinford Tidy Towns took part in the Annual National Spring Clean 2014 again this year. As usual we held our Spring clean on Good Friday, as we have done in previous years.

National Spring Clean 2014

National Spring Clean 2014

In the photo above are some of the 22 Volunteers that helped out on the day. We were also joined by our local Green Schools Committee along with some of their teachers. We met at the No Name Club on Chapel Street and everyone was supplied with Hi-Viz vests and litter pickers. We divided into groups and every group was provided with gloves and different coloured bags (which were supplied again this year by National Spring Clean).

National Spring Clean 2014

National Spring Clean 2014

Although we did not collect as many bags as last year, 72! We still managed to collect 24 bags of bottles, cans, plastic and glass. Swinford Tidy Towns would view this as very successful, with not as much rubbish to be collected it shows that our message is going out and being heeded by the public. There were however one or two “black spots” where there was some domestic rubbish dumped.

National Spring Clean 2014

National Spring Clean 2014

A car tyre, two matress’s, a bike, steel, copper and a shopping trolly were some of the other items gathered. Everything was sorted for recycling which thankfully, left very little for dumping. Thanks as ever to the Swinford Area Office of Mayo County Council for all their help. Thanks also to all the Green Schools Committee and their teachers & all the volunteers that helped out on the day, to make this another very successful Annual National Spring Clean.

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