2017 Mayo Litter Action League April Results Swinford

Love where you live logoThe 2017 Mayo litter action league April results for Swinford have now been published. The Mayo Litter Action league competition runs from April to September. Judging in Swinford took place sometime between Monday the 3rd of April and Wednesday 31st of April. Each town and village in the competition is awarded €1,000 to begin with. Each item of litter seen on the day of judging costs €1, which is then deducted from your starting fund. The more items of litter found, the higher the cost, and the more we loose! We would ask all business’s to download the monthly results and display them on your premises, thank you.

Litter Action League 2017

Month: April

Area: Swinford Marks: 82

Swinford was inspected on a dry mild afternoon.

On the Kiltimagh Road was litter free.

On Brookville Avenue 2 items of litter notes, cigarette box and paper wrapper.

There was 3 pieces of litter on Market Street consisting of a plastic bottle and paper wrappers.

5 pieces of litter was noted on Main street which consisted of a match box and sweet wrappers. (large volume of cigarette butts found)

Circular Road was litter free. The Aclare Road was litter free. The Kilkelly road was litter free.

On Dublin Road 4 items of litter were noted these consisted of a take away box and tinfoil wrappers.

On the Ballina Road from Quinn’s Pub to the speed limits 4 items of litter were noted these included plastic bag, drinks bottles and cigarette box.

Wishing you good luck for the Competition, keep up the good work.

Please note cigarette litter and cigarette boxes going forward, not marked down for cigarette litter this month.

Result: 82

Rating Scoring


Excellent 75-85 -€25.00

V.Good 51-74

Good 41-50

Fair 40 or less -€

Total Amount Remaining €975.00

Download April Results

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