Traditional Shop Fronts Grants Scheme for Mayo

Mayo county council logoMayo County Council announced before Christmas a Traditional shop fronts grants scheme available for all business owners in Mayo. There are various amounts available in grants for business’s intending on upgrading their shop fronts. There are also architects and designers in Mayo co co who are available to give guidance and advice on proposed works being carried out. The grant application form can be downloaded below. Completed application forms must be returned to Ballina Civic Offices, Arran Place, Ballina to be received on or before the 29th day of FEBRUARY 2016.

This is a great opportunity for any business intending on carrying out works on their shop fronts. It will also be of huge help towards Swinford tidy towns in the annual National Tidy Towns competition. Judging in the National tidy towns competition includes “The Built Environment & Street scape” and “Community Involvement & Planning”, which are just 2 of the categories that Swinford is judged on.

Grant Application T&C’s

1. The Scheme will apply to all existing independently owned retail/business premises within the zones outlined in Appendix 2 on the downloaded application form.

2. The application form must be fully and clearly completed and must be accompanied by appropriate documents. Incomplete applications will be invalidated.

3. Funding will be granted on a first come, first served basis, upon fulfilment of the terms and conditions of the scheme.

4. Funding will be provided for the following initiatives and at the following rates:


Max % Of Cost Available

Max Grant Available

1. Paint Work Scheme

  1. Ground Floor Only



  1. All Floors



2. Removal of Inappropriate Signs and Advertisements



3. Traditional Shopfront / Signage / Lettering



4.Traditional Fenestration / Window Details



NB – The Maximum grant payable under a single application or a number of applications in respect of the same premises will not exceed €1,200.
4. Applicants Commercial Rate Account must be paid up to date or be the subject of an agreement with the Council to bring them up to date.

5. All works must be fully planning compliant in order for an approved grant to be paid.

6. An inspection will be carried out by the Councils Technical staff who will determine if the works comply with the Guidelines for Traditional Facades within the Ballina Municipal District. Details and or copies of guidance documentation on Traditional Elevation Facades is available from Mr. Kevin Keegan, Executive Architect, Ballina Civic Offices. Phone (096) 76100 or

7. Such contractors should have a C2 or other tax clearance certificate.

8. All works must comply with the requirements of Health & Safety Legislation and the name of the appointed Project Supervisor Construction Stage must be submitted to the Council before work commences. Contractors employed should have a C2 or Tax Clearance Certificate and the appropriate insurances such as Public Liability, Employers Liability and Contractors All Risks. The responsibility for these rests with the applicant.

9. Any works requiring a footpath closure or the use of plant / machinery on the road must be approved in advance by Ballina Municipal District

10. After the initial pre works inspection of the property, the applicant should await written confirmation from Mayo County Council informing them if they are eligible for the grant and the value of their grant approval before the works commence.

11. No works should commence prior to the pre-works inspection of the property and notification of a decision on the grant application.

12. All approved works must be completed within six months of confirmation of grant approval.

13. When the works are completed the applicant should contact Mr. Kevin Keegan at the Ballina Civic Offices as per contact details above. A Technical inspection will be carried out to determine if all works have been satisfactorily completed.

14. The post work inspection carried out is a visual inspection and it should be noted that Mayo County Council does not accept any liability in relation to the standard of work carried out by the Contractor.

15. If works are satisfactorily completed, the applicant must produce a paid receipt to the Council for the works carried out. The grant will only be paid on production of the receipt paid in full.

16. The imposition of Development levies will not apply to works carried out under this scheme.

17. No revaluation of premises for Commercial Rates will occur arising from works carried out under this scheme.

18. The Council reserves the right to refuse applications which would otherwise comply with the terms of the scheme but would not in the opinion of the Council enhance the streetscape.

Download Application For below. Application deadline is 29th February 2016.

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