The 2016 Garden Bird Survey Begins 5th December

The garden bird survey helps Bird Watch Ireland keep track of Ireland’s garden birds. There are over 1,000 surveys submitted each year. The 2016 garden bird survey takes place from December through to February 2017. Garden birds are among our most familiar and easily observed bird species, are easily attracted to feeders and bird tables, and can be watched from the comfort of our own homes!

How does the 2016 Garden Bird Survey Work?

The way the survey works is very straightforward…
Between December and February each year, we ask members of the public to keep note of the highest number of each bird species visiting their garden every week.  We also ask for information on the size of the garden being surveyed, the kinds of food, if any, being offered to the birds, and so on.  Taking part is fun, easy and an ideal way to get to know your garden birds better; it also makes an ideal school project.

There are two ways for you to send us your records.  You may use our online version of the survey, allowing you to submit your records electronically.

  • Simply go to our online surveys section and register your details, then follow the on-screen instructions.

  • Alternatively, and as in previous years, you can download the current Garden Bird Survey Form, print it, fill it out over the course of the winter and return it to us by post or fax on or before 1st April next year; a full set of instructions is included with the form.

For more information visit Bird Watch Ireland website.

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