Spring weather stats for Mayo for 2015

The 2015 Spring weather stats for Mayo make for pretty grim reading! Due to the weather we are a bit behind this year with our summer planting, by approx 3 weeks. Traveling around different counties and seeing all the flowers and plants well ahead of ours you’d wonder whats going on here in Mayo?

Well, we now have the answer, backed up by official stats from Met Eireann. This year Mayo has had some of the highest rainfall, lowest mean temperatures and the least sunshine on record!

2015 Spring weather stats graph


  • Rainfall mainly above average rainfall:
  • Highest seasonal total: 436.8mm (131% of LTA) at Newport, Co Mayo (its wettest spring since 1994)
  • Lowest seasonal total: 169.2mm (94% of LTA) at Carlow (Oak Park)
  • Highest daily rainfall: 38.5mm at Cork Airport on May 2nd


  • Temperature Spring mean air tempertures were below average:
  • Highest seasonal mean temperature: 9.4°C (-0.5°C from LTA) at Sherkin Island, Co Cork
  • Lowest seasonal mean temperature: 7.2°C (-0.5°C from LTA) at Knock Airport, Co Mayo
  • Highest air temperature: 21.3°C at Newport, Co Mayo on April 23rd
  • Lowest air temperature: -5.1°C at Casement Aerodrome, Co Dublin on March 18th
  • Lowest grass minimum temperature: -9.7°C at Markree, Co Sligo on March 14th


  • Sunshine sunniest Spring in 5 years in some parts of south & southwest:
  • Highest seasonal total: 550.0 hrs (120% of LTA) at Dublin Airport
  • Lowest seasonal total: 390.6 hrs (95% of LTA) at Knock Airport, Co Mayo
  • Highest daily sunshine: 13.9 hrs at Dublin Airport on April 21st

2015 May weather stats graph


  • Rainfall
  • Highest total: 154.1mm (162% of LTA) at Newport, Co Mayo
  • Lowest total: 85.3mm (104% of LTA) at Mace Head, Co Galway (its wettest May since 2008)
  • Highest daily rainfall: 38.5mm at Cork Airport on 2nd (its wettest May day since 1973)


  • Temperature
  • Highest mean monthly temperature: 11.0°C at Roche’s Point (-0.4°C from LTA), Sherkin Island (-0.7°C from LTA), Co Cork
  • Lowest mean monthly temperature: 8.5°C (-1.5°C from LTA) at Knock Airport, Co Mayo (its coldest May since the station opened in 1996)
  • Highest air temperature: 20.1°C at Phoenix Park, Co Dublin on 23rd
  • Lowest air temperature: -0.8°C at Markree, Co Sligo on 1st
  • Lowest grass minimum temperature: -4.9°C at Markree, Co Sligo on 1st


  • Sunshine
  • Highest monthly total: 164.2 hrs (85% of LTA) at Dublin Airport
  • Lowest monthly total: 102.7 hrs (59% of LTA) at Knock Airport, Co Mayo
  • Highest daily sunshine: 12.9 hrs at Valentia Observatory, Co Kerry on 13th

Met Eireann 2015 full Spring report.

Met Eireann 2015 full May report.

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