Swinford Tidy Towns Projects
Projects undertaken by Swinford Tidy Towns with the help of Swinford National School Green Schools, 24th Mayo Swinford Scouts, Swinford GAA, Swinford & Killasser Ladies Gaelic Players, Swinford “No Name Club”, Swinford Handball Club, Swinford Foroigra Club. Here we’ll list all our completed projects. Please do check back often to see our progress as these projects expand and are updated.
View Projects Locations Maps
Projects locations maps in Swinford. Click on a map pin for project location details.
The Mutt Mitt Dispensers project came about due to the Community Futures survey which took place in 2012. Swinford community futures was held in Swinford in June 2012. All members of the community were asked to take part and over 1000 questionnaires were returned. The were a lot of positive comments in the survey, however there were some negative comments about the town. One of the top dislikes about the town was dog fouling.

Paupers Graveyard at beginning of project.
One of the many projects ongoing by Swinford Tidy Towns is the restoration of Swinford Famine and Paupers Graves. The Famine plot was originally restored in the 1960’s. The Paupers Graveyard was restored in the early 1990’s by a local Fás team. The Famine Plot which is located at the rear of Swinford District Hospital is currently maintained by the HSE. The Paupers Graveyard fell back into disrepair in the early 2000’s unfortunately. Swinford Tidy Towns undertook the restoration of Swinford Famine and Paupers Graves in 2013.
View the Swinford Famine & Paupers Graveyard project here.

Common Swift
On Friday June 20th Lynda, Chris, James, Michael Maye PRO for Swinford Tidy Towns, Fr Dermot, Chairman of Swinford National School Board of Management and myself, Marian Thornburgh, Green School Coordinator, watched as the nest boxes were erected. Chris showed us the inside of the nest boxes. They are tiny. Also we were amazed at the tiny size of the cameras in two of the nest boxes.

Proposed N26 Swinford Link Road
Mayo County Council drew up plans for the redevelopment of the approach roads into Swinford town. The Ballina Rd, Kiltimagh Rd, Kilkelly Rd and Dublin Rd are all included in the plans. This is a long term plan and will be completed on a phased basis. The construction of a new link road in Swinford was proposed in 2013 but is currently on hold. The redevelopment of Main street and the extension of St Ita’s Terrace Rd and construction of a new road out onto Circular Rd will be included in 2015.