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Siamsa Sráide 2013 In Swinford
Siamsa Sráide 2013 will be taking place in Swinford this year from Friday 2nd August to Wednesday 7th August. Siamsa Sraide Facebook Page. Swinford Tidy Towns will again be doing a twice daily litter pick around the town during the festival. We will meet at "The No...
25 Card Drive In The Gateway Hotel
25 Card Drive in The Gateway Hotel. There will be a 25 card drive in The Gateway Hotel Swinford on this Sunday 7th July and next Sunday 14th July in aid of Swinford Tidy Towns. Games start at 8.30 and all support is very welcome. Swinford Tidy Towns Committee would...
2013 Clean Street League June Results
June Results Swinford Tidy Towns 2013 Clean Street League is well under way with the June results now in from our Adjudicator's. There is an added dimension to this years competition with the addition of all the Estates in Swinford. Some of the Estates had to be...