2018 Mayo Litter League September Results Swinford

The 2018 Mayo Litter League September Results for Swinford have now been published. September is the last month of judging for this year. For the month of September we were docked €130 which brings our final total fund to €405. On the day of judging Market St and Bridge St were the most littered with sweet papers and of course cigarette butts.

What has really stood out in this years Mayo litter league competition is the fact that no dog fouling has been recorded on the days of judging in Swinford. This is down to the huge success of our Mutt Mitts Project which was completed in 2014 in conjunction with Mutt Mitts Ireland. We would like to thank everyone in Swinford and especially all the business premises for keeping the streets so clean during judging. A special word of thanks has to go to the council workers in the Swinford area for keeping the litter bins emptied regularly.

Litter Action League 2018 – Swinford – (September)
Street Confectionery (sweet/crisp wrappers) Plastic bottles Plastic bags Drink cans Cigarette butts Papers / Newspapers Cardboard Ice-cream wrappers Chewing gum Dog fouling Broken glass Leaves Misc Total
Brookville Avenue 3 1     2     2           8
Market Street 16       4 6             6 32
Main Street 7 1   2 2 6             7 25
Circular Road 2                         2
Kiltimagh Road 4                         4
Kilkelly Road           1               1
Bridge Street 12   1 2 5 5 2           9 36
Dublin Road 4   1 2                 5 12
Total Count of rubbish                           120
Marks for September -20                          
  April Less May Less June Less July less August Total less September total      
Scoring €975 €130 €845 €50 €795 € 130 € 665 €130 €535 130 €405      
Other Comments:
A lot of cigarette butt’s on Bridge Street.
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