2018 Mayo Litter Action League May Results

Mayo Litter LeagueThe 2018 Mayo litter action league May results for Swinford have now been published. The Mayo Litter Action league competition runs from April to September. Judging in Swinford took place sometime during the month of May. Each town and village in the competition is awarded €1,000 to begin with. Each item of litter seen on the day of judging costs €1, which is then deducted from our starting fund. The more items of litter found, the higher the cost, and the more we loose! We would ask all business’s to download the monthly results and display them on your premises, thank you.

For the month of May we lost €130 which leaves us with a total of €845 going into June judging. For the second month in a row its great to see that there has been no dog fouling spotted by our astute adjudicator!

Litter Action League 2018 – Swinford – May
Street Confectionery (sweet/crisp wrappers) Plastic bottles Plastic bags Drink cans Cigarette butts Papers / Newspapers Cardboard Ice-cream wrappers Chewing gum Dog fouling Broken glass Leaves Misc Total
Brookville Avenue 10 1 8 6 25
Market Street 8 1 3 12
Main Street 25 12 1 5 43
Circular Road 3 1 1 5
Kiltimagh Road 7 3 1 3 14
Kilkelly Road 8 1 5 3 17
Bridge Street 3 1 4
Dublin Road 5 3 2 10
Total Count of rubbish 69 2 0 1 0 31 2 0 0 0 1 0 24 130
Marks for April -30
Less May
SCORING €975 € 130 € 845

Other Comments:
Miscellaneous items are bottle caps, plastic items, beer keg caps, tissues, take away cup and lids, cloth, cigarette boxes and a ribbon.
Some cigarette litter was scatter on each street but no marks was deducted for this.

Download May Results (printer friendly)

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