2016 Mayo Litter League August Results for Swinford
The judging for August in the 2016 Mayo litter league has been completed, and the results for Swinford have now been published. The judging of Swinford took place in the morning, sometime between Monday the 1st of August and Friday the 26th. Each town and village in the competition is awarded €1,000 to begin with. Each item of litter seen on the day of judging costs us €1, which is then deducted from our starting fund. The more items of litter found, the higher the cost, and the more we loose! In last months judging we again lost another €130 and we are going into September, the last month of judging with a remaining balance of €350.
Litter Action League 2016_
Month: August_ Area: Swinford Mark 38
Swinford was inspected in the morning.
From the speed limits on the Kiltimagh Road at Tesco up along Chapel Street and Market Street 11 pieces of litter were noted, these consisted of paper and plastic wrappers, drink bottle and a cigarette box.
Main Street had 20 pieces of litter noted, these consisted of sweet wrappers, plastic wrappers, small piece of tin foil, brown paper bag and cigarette box.
Along Station Road and Circular Road there was 10 pieces of litter noted, these consisted of paper and sweet wrappers.
16 pieces were noted along Brookville Avenue, litter varied from plastic and drink bottles, brown paper wrapper, sweet and paper wrappers.
Davitt Place to Kilkelly Road 5 pieces of litter were noted, these consisted of plastic bottle, drink cup and sweet wrappers.
The bottle banks and car park were clean.
Along Bridge Street this was litter free.
Result: 38
Rating Scoring €
Excellent 75-85
V.Good 51-74
Good 41-50
Fair 40 or less – €130
Total Amount Remaining €350
We are asking all the business’s if you would download the August litter league results and display them on your premises for your customers to view. This will help us to raise awareness about littering. This would be a huge help to us, thanks.
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