Ways To Reduce Your Bin Charges

Flat Rate Bin Charges Abolished
From July 2016 flat rate bin charges are being abolished in Ireland. From the 1st of July 2016 a new bin charges system for waste and for composting was introduced, which will be based on weight and will be charged per Kilo. The more weight in your bin, the more it will cost you to dispose of.
Introduction Of Transition Period For Pay By Weight
- At the end of June the Minister for the Environment, Community & Local Government, Mr. Simon Coveney following discussion with representatives of the waste industry agreed a price freeze until the end of June 2017 for householders availing of a waste collection service.
- As part of this agreement it is intended that customers availing of a waste collection service will from January 2017, through a system of dual billing be provided with the following information:
- Details of weight of waste that they are presenting per collection.
- Details of their costs under the current price plan.
- Details of the comparative charge if they were on a ‘pay by weight’ system.
- At the end of this transition period (July 2017) a review of the transition period will be carried out by the Government and further decisions on the introduction of ‘pay by weight’ will be made following the review.
Here’s some ways to reduce your bin charges
Here are some ways to reduce your bin charges. Firstly, and most importantly, is to reduce the amount of waste that your household produces. Making use of the annual WEEE Recycling days and Hazardous waste collection days are also ways to reduce your bin charges.

Know What Waste Goes In What Bin!
It may seem obvious, but it can sometimes be confusing what can and cannot be recycled. Under the new legisitation which comes into law on the 1st of July 2016, waste for landfill will be charged at 11c per Kg* and for composting at 6c per Kg* (*minimum charge). Recycling was to be charged at 2c per Kg, but the minister later rowed back on this, and now there will be no minimum charge per Kg for recycling. So it makes economic sense that the more that you can recycle, the more you save.
Recyclable Items
- Plastic bottles & drinks cans
- Plastic bags/cartons, food cartons
- Food tins/pet food tins (cleaned)
- Sweets/biscuit tins & box’s
- Cardboard & paper (dry)
- Cereal & pizza box’s
- Sauce containers & potatoe bags (clean)
- Shredded paper/junk mail
- Books & magazines
- Cleaning containers (washed & empty)
Separate Your Waste
If you are not already separating your organic household waste from the rest of your rubbish, then this is a priority. Organic household waste, for example leftover or gone off food, grass cuttings etc, can weigh quite a lot. Separating this waste from your rubbish is one of the best ways to save on your bin charges.

If you are not already composting, then now is the time to begin, especially if you have a garden. Composting is great because its a free way to get rid of your organic waste. It is also extremely environmentally friendly and you will have free, nutrient rich compost for your garden or pots, tubs or hanging baskets.
If you have a garden, all your cuttings and weeding can all build up to quite a weight. Grass cuttings are also very heavy and would add huge cost to your brown bin for disposal. Home composting would be a very effective and much cheaper way of disposing of your garden green waste.
If you don’t have a garden you can still compost your food waste. You can always donate your compost to someone, for example the Tidy Towns could make great use of it! You would be saying money and helping us out at the same time.
Items that can be composted
- Kitchen food scraps/plate scrapings
- Tea bags & coffee grounds/paper filters
- Breads, cakes & biscuits
- Out of date food
- Food soiled paper plates/napkins
- Food soiled paper & cardboard
- Plant cuttings, Grass clippings/leaves
- Cut flowers, weeds