About Us
Swinford Tidy Town’s Committee was first established in 1996, and has grown in strength and numbers since then. We started off with 5 core volunteer’s, and today we have 25 dedicated committee members, all of whom are passionate about making Swinford an attractive and inviting town for locals and visitors alike.
Much of the volunteer work involves litter-picking, planting flowers & shrubs, weeding, sweeping, watering & feeding flowers & plants and so on. We would very much welcome any help and support that you could give us. We normally meet at 7pm on Wednesday’s, and 11am on Saturday mornings at the No Name Club on Chapel Street.
Have a look at the Calendar for weekly updates and upcoming events. Also, have a look in the photo gallery, where you can see all the volunteer’s in action! You can view all the projects that we have completed on our Projects Page. We also now have a Result’s archive section, where you can view the results and recommendations from previous years, when Swinford entered the Tidy Town’s competition. You can also check our facebook page; www.facebook.com/swinfordtidytowns You can also follow us on Twitter; @swintidytowns We also have a Youtube Channel.
1. To promote Swinford as a clean, well maintained and cared for vibrant town.
2. To promote environmental awareness and education including waste minimization and reduction in our carbon footprint.
3. To encourage civic pride, active participation and involvement in environmental and developmental initiatives.
4. To create innovative and effective projects and initiatives, with a view to addressing local challenges.
5. To ensure value for money through maximisation of resources and through efficient and effective delivery of services.
7. The promotion of “Swinford Clean Street League” to encourage active participation of the community to foster pride in the town.
- To enhance the appearance of Swinford, making the town a more attractive place to live, work and spend our free time.
- To raise awareness of environmental issues among both the adult & school-going population.
- To promote the environmental & historical assets of the area.
- To encourage residents, retailers, and businesses to maintain their estates and premises and show them to best effect.
- To identify “black spots” and “problem areas”, and develop strategies to deal with them effectively.
- To lobby for better and more effective local government services.
Swinford Tidy Towns Committee 2023
Chairperson : Tom Lavin
Vice Chairperson : Cathal Kelly
Secretary : Douglas Kelly
Treasurer : Douglas Kelly
Assistant Treasurer : Michael Maye
PR/Social Media : Michael Maye
Swinford Tidy Towns Committee 2015
Chairperson : Imelda Kelly
Secretary : Cathal Kelly
Treasurer : Nora Kelly
Assistant Treasurer : Imelda Kelly
PR/Social Media : Michael Maye
Community Champion : Mary Cronnolly
Horticultural Advisers : Anita Mc Nicholas & Miriam Mc Dermott
Wildlife Adviser : Alan Mortimor
Committee Member’s;
Bríd O’Connell, Cllr Joe Mellett, Mary Mc Nicholas, Tom Lavin, Andy Madden, Kevin Murtagh, Tom Durcan, Terry Maughan, Deirdre Fahey, Douglas Kelly, Pat Moore, Jackie Campbell, Reneta Nolan, Barbara Vose, Padraic Hennigan, Rodney Coleman, Trease Hennigan, Alan Mortimor, Carmel Ikeringill, John Ikeringill, Brian Turbitt, Miriam Mc Dermott, Martin Maloney, Aoife O’Hara, Anne Marie Boylan, “The Hardy Buck’s”.
Cookie Policy
Swinford Tidy Towns Constitution
- The name of the group shall be ‘Swinford Tidy Towns’ – hereafter referred to as the group.
- The enhancement of the physical and social environment of Swinford.
- To represent Swinford In the Annual National Tidy Towns competition, The National Spring Clean Campaign and any other competitions as deemed beneficial to the promotion of Swinford, by decision of the committee.
- Liaise with relevant governing authorities to aid the development and management of a litter free, clean and green environment for the towns people.
- Liaise with other local groups to enhance the physical environment of Swinford town and surrounding areas.
- The group will uphold equal opportunities and work towards good relations amongst all members of the community, specifically prohibiting any contact which discriminates or harasses on grounds of race, disability, political belief, sex or sexual orientation.
- Membership shall be open to everyone in the community who are committed to obtaining the objectives of the group.
- Each active member shall be entitled to one vote at general meetings.
- All voting members must be over 18yrs of age.
- Membership shall be free from subscription.
- Swinford Tidy Towns recognise the value of those under 18 years of age who volunteer with us. Swinford Tidy Towns are committed to their involvement under the supervision of their parent or guardian.
- The committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM|) of the group.
- All committee members have equal voting rights.
- The AGM shall elect from within their members a Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. These members shall have to power to co-opt other members to the committee during the course of the year. Other positions created as required shall also be filled.
- Where the position of the officer board becomes vacant during the course of the year for whatever reason, then the committee shall co-opt a member to fulfil the duties of the role vacated.
- The committee and office bearers shall make and carry out decisions in accordance with the objectives of the group as outlined in the Objectives section above.
- Meetings of the committee shall be open to any member of the group who is invited to attend.
- There must be at least 3 committee members present for any decisions to be made at a committee meeting.
Conduct Of Business
- The chairperson shall chair all meetings of the group. In the event of the absence of the chairperson, the committee shall elect a committee member to chair the meeting.
- Members shall only speak through the chair.
- Decisions will be agreed by a simple majority, voted in through a show of hands.
- In the event of a divided vote on decisions to be made, the chair shall have the casting vote.
- Meetings will start and end at the time agrees by the committee unless all those present agree otherwise.
- Any offensive behaviour, including racism, ageism, sexism or inflammatory remarks will not be permitted.
- Any member who brings the group into disrepute or refuses to comply with the constitution shall be cautioned/expelled on a majority vote of the full committee.
- Agendas will be distributed to the membership at least 4 days before a meeting where possible. Items for the agendas should be forwarded to a committee member seven days before the meeting where possible.
- The group may raise funds by obtaining grants from Governmental bodies, by fundraising schemes, or by seeking voluntary contributions from local businesses and business organisations. Donations can also be made by the general public, through our donations page on our website, https://swinfordtidytowns.com/donate . All monies raised by or on behalf of the group shall be used to further the objectives of Swinford Tidy Towns.
- A bank account shall be maintained in the name of the group, Swinford Tidy Towns Committee, which is held at Bank Of Ireland, Main St, Swinford, Co Mayo.
- The Treasurer & assistant treasure shall be signatories on the account. Signatories must not sign blank cheques.
- Accounts shall be kept and made available upon request to any committee meeting where they may be inspected.
- Receipts should be obtained for all expenditure. No spending is permitted without the approval of the committee.
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
- An AGM shall be held in January every year to discuss the activities of the group, to receive the accounts and to elect the committee.
- The AGM shall be held at a suitable venue to accommodate as many members as possible.
- The Quorum shall be 51% of members present with a minimum of 5 attendees.
- Notice of at least 14 days shall be given to members of the AGM.
- At the AGM current members of the committee shall step down.
Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)
- EGM’s shall be called when the committee deem it necessary. A member of the group with the support of at least 3 committee members and written support of at least 5 voting members can also call an EGM.
- Notice of at least 7 days shall be given to members of an EGM.
- Voting rules as per the AGM and as per the constitution apply to the EGM.
Changes To The Constitution
- This constitution shall only be amended at an AGM or at an EGM of the group.
- This constitution may only be amended at the AGM or EGM with the support of two thirds of the members present who entitled to vote.
- All members shall be given the required notice as defined by the meeting requirements along with the proposed changes.
Dissolution Of Swinford Tidy Towns
- The group may only be dissolved by a special meeting called for that purpose. Such a meeting shall come about following a proposal in writing signed by a simple majority of those remaining on the committee.
- All members shall be informed of such a meeting 21 days before the date of the meeting.
- Dissolution of the group shall only take effect if agreed by two thirds of the members present who are eligible to vote.
- Any assets and funds remaining after the dissolution and meeting of the groups liabilities must be distributed among local charities or other community groups with aims similar to the group, nominated at the meeting.
- On dissolution any documents belonging to the group shall be disposed of in a manner agreed at the meeting.